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Hi! I am

Ashvin Raghavan

 - science enthusiast, musician, sportsman, and water conservationist. My keen interest and participation in the First Lego League in the 8th grade shaped my interests and passion for years hence. Not only did my award of Best Robot Design prompt me to explore the world of robotics beyond the Lego kit, but our research on the water situation around the world evoked in me an eagerness to try my best in promoting better water conservation and management practices.

After placing 8th in the national round in FLL, I took an interest in robotics and electronics, when I landed with my first Arduino Kit. Over the years, I found out how 

simple it is to solve problems with just a little science. Simple problems - like how to sense when the refrigerator is open, or how to water your plants just right - can be solved with a reliable knowledge of math and programming. Tinkering with electronics slowly increased my interest in math in general, and made me realize its value as a tool in solving problems . That is why I started this blog - to document my fascinating experiences in science and robotics and go deep into topics that never fail to intrigue us. 

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